Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"Shrinkage" (My book)

My first book, "Shrinkage," was released on April 29. It's available now in hardcover, digital and audiobook formats from Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iTunes, Wal-Mart (yes, my book is sold at Wal-Mart... how crazy is that??) - pretty much everywhere. I worked really hard on it and I think it's pretty good, so please consider ordering it today.

UPDATE (4/17): The audiobook is available for order! Check out the official page from the publisher to listen to an excerpt.

UPDATE (3/27): The official Facebook page for Shrinkage is live! Thanks to Mike Altier for creating and managing it. More behind-the-scenes pictures and goodies to come. Stop by, have a look around, and "Like" it, if you're so inclined.

UPDATE (3/13): This is awesome… Amazon's editors named "Shrinkage" to their list of "Big Spring Books: Fresh Picks From Our Editors." The list is subtitled "Books to Look For This Spring: Twenty books we think you’ll be hearing a lot more about this season." Check out the list here! 

UPDATE (2/8): Signing events! More will be added, but here are the first ones to be confirmed.

UPDATE (1/6): Here's a link to a really fun interview I did… or rather, I'm doing. It's called "Reply All," and it's a sort of live-blogged, ever-evolving interview-meets-email-exchange. Lots of book talk, and more.

UPDATE (11/5): Here is the official page from the publisher. A special thanks to everyone who wrote an amazing blurb for the book.